International Kiev: bombs on Kherson throughout the night, one woman died. “Erdogan will propose an early ‘ceasefire’ to Putin” 2023-08-10
International Massacre in Pakistan, 34 dead and over 100 injured in a train derailment: “Eight carriages overturned” 2023-08-09
International The “director of Evil” William Friedkin dies at the age of 87: he directed “The Exorcist” 2023-08-09
International Bear escapes from the cage in the cargo hold of the plane: chaos erupts before takeoff 2023-08-09
International Charlotte of England is a “golden child”: her image is worth 3.6 billion pounds 2023-08-08
International There is still no trace of Paolo Catanesi, a 79-year-old pensioner who disappeared from Barcelona. The searches continue 2023-08-08
International Bologna massacre, thunders Vallone (Anpi Catanzaro): “Scandalous that De Angelis speaks in Calabria”. Event cancelled 2023-08-07