Be careful: those who want to get rich by exploiting workers are enemies of Calabria


By John

“I express my congratulations and sincere gratitude to the Guardia di Finanza of Catanzaro for the important operation, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office, which led to the seizure of two companies and the application of precautionary measures for crimes against the exploitation of dozens of workers. An investigation that highlighted a desolate picture in which the victims were deprived of the most basic rights, receiving starvation wages in the face of grueling shifts. Ours is a Region that increasingly wants to create jobs and opportunities. We are living in a historical moment in which we are deploying huge resources and new investment attraction policies with great determination to allow our territories to grow and develop. But anyone who, amidst a thousand difficulties, decides to start a business must offer dignified and fairly paid work. Anyone who wants to get rich by not respecting the rules but by exploiting workers is an enemy of Calabria.” As Roberto Occhiutopresident of the Calabria Region.