Calabria, regional aid to the construction sector. The law exists but remains only on paper


By John

The law has been passed, but the effects are still not visible. The reference is to the regulation approved last May and relating to interventions for the Transfer of tax credits deriving from the energy efficiency of the building stock.

As you may recall, the measure was aimed at obtain credit compensation through regional public economic bodies (such as Sacal, Consorzio unico di bonifica and Agenzia per lo sviluppo delle zone industriali) and the companies controlled by them. A measure, therefore, conceived and launched to alleviate the financial difficulties of those many companies that, after having applied the discount on the invoice and acquired the related tax credit pursuant to Legislative Decree 34/2020, have great difficulty in monetizing it due to the congestion of the credit transfer system. It is a pity, however, that the change imagined so far has remained only on paper. «The regional government – he attacks Simone Famoussecretary of Fillea Cgil in Calabria – must stop making just proclamations, starting to do things like defining the implementation methods of the law (the so-called guidelines), including the activation of an online platform for monitoring credit transfers».