Catanzaro, the figurine of the nativity scene of a master entrepreneur and apprentice delivered to Archbishop Maniago


By John

The President of Coldiretti Catanzaro-Crotone and Vibo Valentia Fabio Borrello and Confartigianato Vincenzo Bifano they delivered a figurine of the nativity scene to the metropolitan archbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace mons. Claudio Maniago. This year the figurine represents, through a master entrepreneur and his apprentice , beyond a hope and a wish, the transmission of know-how through the generations. In 2020 the figurine represented a nurse, in 2021 a digital entrepreneur, in 2022 a horticulturalist. The tradition of the nativity scene turned 800 years old in 2023, because it was born in 1223, in Greccio, by Saint Francis. An important tradition for our country, which also goes beyond religiosity, because it often represents eras and ways of life that evolve as well as the changes that occur in our society. For some years, Confartigianato, Coldiretti and Fondazione Symbola, also to enhance artisanal and agricultural work, promote the creation of a new nativity scene figurine, to shine a light on the changes and peculiarities of Italian society. It was a meeting during which the Archbishop thanked for the gift, ensuring particular attention to agriculture and craftsmanship which represent economic activities, capable of development and continuous innovation. Borrello and Bifano thanked the Archbishop for his high teaching, which constantly invites us to be bold to cross, face and overcome the great crises of sense and meaning that history presents us but also the responses in a personal and community sense to global escalation of wars and hatred