THE’Italy in the second quarter of this year it grew by 0.2% with the household consumption which are substantially stationary, those of the public administrations that languish and the investments which instead show a slight progress. These are the main details of the economic picture released today by theIstat with the complete estimate of the quarterly accounts. An estimate that confirms what was anticipated at the end of July for the economic and trend data – +0.9% the growth of the GDP compared to the same quarter last year – but which nevertheless brought theInstitute of Statistics to revise downwards the forecasts for the growth acquired for the whole of 2024, from 0.7% at the 0.6%.
The data of theIstat have provoked opposite reactions among the political forces of the government and consumers: the former, through the voice of the Prime Minister, are focusing their attention on the better Italian performance compared to that of other countries, while the user defense associations they look with concern above all at the stagnant trend in consumption. «TheItaly is growing faster than other European nations, despite the slowdown inworld economy and the delicate international situation,” says the Prime Minister Georgia Melonistressing that «the macroeconomic data – from GDP to theemploymentfrom theexport to the investments – are positive and represent a sign of great confidence”. And he claims “the serious choices” made which “together with the centrality and authority demonstrated at an international level, are contributing to the good progress of our economy».
However, the interpretation by theConsumers Union according to which the data on GDP quarterly is “alarming! The country is at a standstill”. The president Massimiliano Dona in fact he points out that “the national final consumption they do not grow compared to the previous quarter and even fall by 0.1% on the second quarter of 2023″. And therefore considers it urgent to maneuver that focuses available resources on helping the families. The same opinion is also expressed by Codacons which points the finger at the «consumption at a standstill» which represent a «worrying signal» and is accompanied by the request that the government intervene to support the purchasing power of families.
In the detailed photograph theIstat explains that the growth of the GDP is due «in small part to the components of national demand, thanks to the positive contribution of 0.1 percentage points of both household consumptionboth of the investments and the negative one of the public administration expenditure For 0.1 points» and remember that the second quarter of the 2024 had two working days less than the previous quarter and one more than a year earlier. Instead, the positive contribution provided by the variations in stocksequal to 0.4 percentage points, which contrasts the negative one of the net foreign demandwhich subtracts 0.3 points to the growth of the GDP. With regard to added value, the sectors of services and both those of theagriculture, forestry And fishing (-1.7%), be that industrial (-0.8%).
Along with the details on the GDP those on the ones arrived today too industrial producer priceswhich grew in quarterly terms for the third consecutive month in July. A rise in1.3% on a monthly basis mainly driven by the increase in prices of Energy products and in particular of the Electricity bills: the costs of supplying electric energy, gas, steam And air conditioning on the domestic market they have in fact risen by +6.7% compared to June. While net of the energy component, prices remained almost stationary.