Messina, “outlaw” costume jewellery: half a million rings, necklaces and earrings seized


By John

The soldiers of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Messina have seized half a million items of costume jewelery as they lack the minimum safety requirements prescribed by the Consumer Code. In particular, the Fiamme Gialle of the Messina Group, at the end of careful checks at a commercial establishment in the city centre, they found over 500,000 rings, necklaces, earrings and other accessoriesput up for sale in violation of the rules established by the Consumer Code, lacking the most basic warnings for end users including the technical characteristics, the material, the indications in Italian as well as the contact details of the importer. Furthermore, the lack of adequate packaging and the mandatory information labels on the metal alloy used would have exposed the final buyer to the risk of contracting allergies or irritations.

The trader, therefore, was reported to the local Chamber of Commerce, for violation of the legislation which provides for the prohibition of trade on the national territory of any product or package that does not show, in clearly visible and legible forms and in the Italian language, the product indications and safety. Upon completion of the relevant administrative proceedings, the offender may be subject to an administrative fine ranging from a minimum of 516.00 to a maximum of 25,823 euros.