Messina, the “Maurolico” at the “National Night of the Classical High School” 2024


By John

On Friday 19 April 2024, from 6.00 pm to midnight, the 10th edition of the “National Night of the Classical High School” will take place at the “Maurolico” high school. Participation in the event, strongly desired by the school director, Prof. Giovanna De Francesco, and shared by the teaching staff, will see the significant formula as the common thread “Of women, yesterday and today: the communication of the feminine over time” and will consist of an extraordinarily rich and varied program of artistic and cultural events.

After the institutional moments, the opening will be entrusted to an interesting contribution from the prof. Francesco Piraprofessor of Sociology at the University of Messina, on the topic “Women on the web and on social media: narratives, perceptions and deviances”.

The evening will continue with the presentation of the books by Giusy Arimathea“Of women, of yesterday”, and of Roberta Casagrande“The rise of women in sport”, and with the interventions of the well-known cartoonist from Messina Lelio Bonaccorso and the artist Thilina Pietro Feminò with his masks from the Commedia dell'Arte.

There will be space for the “Maurolico” Choir, which will perform some songs on women and for the “Maurolico” High School Theater Group, directed by prof. Sergio Foscarini, who will perform in the performance “Madness: gender violence in Shakespeare”.

The students will be the true protagonists of the Night, receiving deserved recognition in the awards ceremony for excellence and giving rise to multiple artistic performances, inspired by Greek (Homer, Sappho, Euripides), Latin (Catullus) and Italian (Dante) literature, demonstrating – if there were still any need – the extraordinary liveliness of this field of study, too often wrongly considered to be outdated.