“What initiatives does the Calabria Region intend to take, also through appropriate discussions with Anas and the Provincial Administration of Catanzaro identified as the Implementing Party, for the immediate activation of all the interventions necessary for the construction of the works on the Medio Savuto road? This is the key question of the question that I forwarded to the president of the Regional Council regarding the so-called “Road that does not exist”. That is, the artery that should connect Cosenza and Catanzaro through the hinterland of the two provinces, connecting the Strada dei Due Mari to the Strada Statale 616, which in turn allows you to easily reach the Mediterranean motorway”. note, the regional councilor and group leader of the 5 Star Movement, Davide Tavernise.
“Designed as a fast link road, as an alternative route to the A2 motorway, work began in 1988, thanks to a loan from CIPE of one hundred billion old lire. To date, despite the 36 years that have passed since the laying of the first stone, of the 32 kilometers planned, only just over three have been built, completed in 2017, which run in the Decollatura area along the border with Soveria Mannelli. A second section, from Soveria Nord-Borboruso to the Coraci crossroads, which would allow you to join the SS616 towards Cosenza, seemed to have been completed for some time but still remains closed to vehicular traffic. In 2018 the responsibility passed to Anas.
In May 2024, shortly before the European elections, the Vice President of the Regional Council visited the construction site of the Coraci – Soveria Nord crossroads section, together with the General Manager of the Infrastructure and Public Works Department of the Calabria Region, the President and the Vice President of the Province of Catanzaro, to the Director of the works, to the Manager of the Technical Area of the Province and Rup of the works, to the municipal administrations of Soveria Mannelli and Decollatura.
At that juncture, a possible completion date was indicated, identifying 15 June as the likely date for the opening of the stretch of road to traffic, but this deadline, although not unofficial, was also not respected. The most demanding work on this short stretch of road, moreover, is a tunnel that had already been inaugurated in 2014, complete with a ribbon cutting and the presence of political and institutional authorities, and even then the imminent opening of the few kilometers that separate Soveria from Coraci. But we are at the end of September 2024 and this section of road is still blocked by barriers and cannot be traveled by vehicles.
For this reason, in the question I also ask for a serious and reliable timetable regarding the opening of the first two sections, from the Coraci crossroads to Soveria Mannelli Nord-Borboruso and from Borboruso to Decollatura, which for too many years have seen announcements of an imminent opening to vehicular traffic, but never occurred, net of the repeated useless inaugurations, ribbon cuttings and electoral catwalks”.