“The gaze” by Igor Mitoraj in Sicily: a large open-air sculpture exhibition in Syracuse


By John

From 26 March until 31 October 2025, in Sicily, the largest open-air sculptural exhibition by Igor Mitoraj entitled “LO SGUARDO Humanitas-Physis” will be open to the public. A large and unprecedented project which involves the exhibition of thirty monumental works by the artist of Polish origin in the evocative spaces of the Neapolis Archaeological area of ​​Syracuse, enriched thanks to the presence of two imposing sculptures located in Ortigia (Syracuse) and in the Parco dell' Etna.

The exhibition will be open to visitors starting from March 26th from 8.30am to 6.30pm, until March 31st, after which the new summer opening hours will be communicated.

Thanks to a long and laborious transport and a complex installation work, coordinated by Luca Pizzi of the Atelier Mitoraj, citizens and tourists will be able to live an experience of knowledge and reflection also in front of the Winged Sculpture “Icaria” by Mitoraj, with the gaze towards the sea, in the public space in front of the Maniace Castle, in Ortigia.

The sculpture “Theseus screpolato”, however, was placed on the south-eastern side of Etna, at 1700 meters above sea level, set in a wide view that ranges from the summit of the volcano to the Ionian sea near the entrance to the high mountain slope, in the Serra La Nave district.

These two installations compose and complete the contents of the exhibition and its itinerary, which finds its epicenter in the Neapolis archaeological area, symbol of Greek and Roman culture, so relevant to the history and development of civilization. The inaugural event will take place on April 16th in the archaeological area, preceded by a press conference on April 12th at the Ara Pacis Auditorium in Rome in which the objectives, contents and characteristics of this great event will be illustrated in detail. project of international value.