The Municipality of Botricello reorganizes the fleet, selling unused vehicles


By John

The Municipal Administration of Botricello has completed the sale of three disused vehicles which continued to burden the organisation's coffers, without having been used for several years now. In particular, through a public auction for which eighteen offers were received, a tractor, a trailer and a mechanical loader were sold. The organization collected a total amount of 12,100.00 euros from the sale, also saving the taxes relating to the three vehicles which had continued to be paid for years without the vehicles having been used.

All procedures monitored by the managing director Rosario Roccawere followed by the head of the Technical Office arch. Salvatore Aiello and by the technical architect. Salvatore Ionà, who determined the starting price through the market valuation of the vehicles, taking into account the conditions in which they were located. The procedure allowed significant increases to be recorded by the companies that participated, confirming a prudent choice on the part of the organisation.

With a view to updating and reorganizing the municipal fleet, the Administration is also completing the purchase of a new car for the Local Police, considering that the one currently in service is no longer suitable. This procedure is followed by the commander of the Local Police Rosario Pignanelli, in agreement with the competent offices and thanks to the proceeds of the fines to the Highway Code. Also in recent months, the truck used by the Maintenance Sector was completely renovated, with greater safety also for the workers as well as for a question of decorum.

“Through these procedures – stated the Mayor Saverio Simone Puccio – we have started the renewal of the vehicle fleet, but above all we have made everything safe. The sale of vehicles that have been unused and vandalized for years, without any prior care, has allowed us to earn a fair amount of money which we will also use to complete the renovation of the car fleet. The attention and correct management of the organisation's expenses represent the strengths of our administrative action”.