The Municipality of Cosenza launches the relaunch plan, 134 hires in 2024


By John

«New dawn», «revolution» and «year zero» are the three slogans with which the mayor Franz Caruso commented on Cosfel’s decisions regarding the 2024 hiring plan and the previous green light on the return plan.
The mayor, accompanied in the conference by the Personnel councillor Damiano Covelli, also dealt a blow to the previous tenants of Palazzo dei Bruzi: «Results like this would have given space to bombastic announcements in other times but we work with circumspection and without proclamations. However, such results were unthinkable when we took office.”

2024 hiring plan

The proposed “revolution” found further inspiration in Covelli’s words. The Personnel Councilor announced «134 immediate hirings and 32 vertical progressions»: «The last hiring competitions – he continued – date back 25 years, announced by the then mayor Giacomo Mancini and referred to the Municipal Police. In this period of time we have gone from approximately 1200-1300 employees, of which 28 managers, to 209, with 8 managers, in 2023. This, therefore, promises to be not only a breath of fresh air but an extraordinary event to satisfy the hunger for present work”.

The numbers

The organic endowment of the apparatus will return to recording growing numbers after the sharp decline of the last twenty years, bringing the number of permanent employees, as of 31 December 2024, to 268. The increase will be partly slowed down by 32 vertical progressions and 22 planned retirements. The organic plan of the Municipality of Cosenza, in relation to the current population, as approved by Cosfel, could have a maximum potential of 533 working units. We therefore aim to further increase the workforce in the coming years. Meanwhile, as regards the calendar year just started, of the 134 new hires, 100 will have a permanent contract: 3 managers, 19 social workers area officials in the local area, 20 officials with various profiles, 20 instructors with various profiles, 12 local police officers, 3 expert operators (law 68/99), 6 expert operators with various profiles, 9 officials with voluntary mobility from other bodies, 5 instructors with mobility from other bodies and 3 other officials with a view to stabilizing the technicians Pnrr.

Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Cosenza