A 44 year old man, Massimo Palmieri, he died today crushed by his tractor while working on land he owned near the provincial road Mileto-Dinami, exactly in the area that leads from the hamlet of San Giovanni to the motorway junction. The victim was working on the vehicle when the tractor suddenly overturned – on uneven ground – crushing the 42-year-old, originally from San Giovanni di Mileto. The men of 118, the firefighters and the carabinieri were on site. Upon arrival the body had already been removed by relatives, but there was nothing that could be done due to a crushing polytrauma with instant death.
Great pain in the center of Miletusplace of origin of the man who had lived in Vibo for some time, in the Porto Salvo hamlet, with his wife and three children. Mayor Salvatore Fortunato Giordano expressed the condolences of the entire community with a note on social media: “We interrupt all communication. Unfortunately, sad news has arrived for the Community of Mileto and in particular of San Giovanni. A young worker, husband and father of three children has died in the countryside of San Giovanni following an accident with the tractor while he was working on his lands. News that saddens us and sends his young wife, his children, his mother and his entire family into despair. Municipality of Mileto. Condolences to everyone.
A family struck once again by immense pain and a tragedy at work: on 1 May 2007 his brother Rocco died in an accident at work on a construction site on the A3 between the Serre and Mileto junctions. He was hit by a maneuvering truck.
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