UDU Messina: “The Hotel Liberty? A university residence only for those who can afford it”


By John

Yesterday the procedure for the assignment of the new 102 beds (in a double room) in the new Liberty residence was published“strongly advertised by the University of Messina”.
It would seem like good news – UDU Messina claims in a note – but unfortunately the shameful choice of the Administration is hidden in the methods. As we had begun to denounce at the beginning of the academic year (precisely on 20 August, 14 September and with the protest on 26 September), what we feared has punctually come true, despite the reassurances of the Director and the Administration” .

The ordinary rate has been set at €325.00 per month. “There are benefits – absolutely insufficient – for those who are eligible and not assigned in the ranking for the ERSU housing service (i.e. those who cannot afford to pay rent), which provide a “subsidized” rate equal to: € 230.00 per month for first twelve places assigned, and €275.00 per month for the next forty places (and the other 50 places at €325?)”.

“Absolutely unacceptable figures – it is written in the press release – comparable to the private sector, which do not protect the students’ right to study, the will is now clear to us and it is a shame: to profit on the backs of students, students and families, taking advantage of the need to girls and boys who will find themselves accepting these conditions”.

“We have expressed our profound dissent several times – concludes UDU – we have not been listened to. We reiterate, the funds from mission 4 of the PNRR should have been invested in public education and in truly public residences. This is not acceptable.
Let us take advantage of the electoral campaign that has just begun to launch a bitter invitation: the candidates for the position of Rector should say a clear word on these methods, which offend the student community”.