“Your bridge with Europe”, Nino Germanà from Messina is running for the European Parliament


By John

“The construction of Bridge it is a historical turning point for Sicily, the watershed between a condition of isolation and marginality and a centrality in the routes to and from the Mediterranean. The Strait of Messina and the entire region can be the protagonists of a page of redemption to be written in Europe too. It is with the pride of a son of this splendid land – writes the Messina senator of the League in a note – Nino Germanàwhich mI am running to represent the voice of those who firmly believe in development and rebirth in the European Parliament“.

Just over twenty days after the official presentation of the lists, the parliamentarian from Pelorita dissolves his reservation and makes his entry into the field in the European elections official:

“For too long Sicily and Sardinia have paid a very high price for their insularity which has led to loss of opportunities, progressive impoverishment, flight of entire generations. Today more than ever we are able to reverse course and assert the strategic role of Sicily as a bridge with Europe in the dynamics of economic growth at a global level. We are ready for the crucial challenges that await us. We must bring more Italy into Europe and reclaim the strength of our roots taken will make the difference between the future of our children and the desertification of the territory, between development and definitive marginalization. A small part of the history of the European Union was written on the banks of the Strait in 1955 with the Messina Conference promoted by the then Messina minister Gaetano Martino. Today as then, and I say this with a hint of ambition for my beloved land, Sicily can once again play a leading role in the European scenario. Today, as then, we can decide to be the driving force and active part of change.”