Alleged sexual harassment at the Castrolibero IIS, the teacher Bastone and the former director Maletta sent to trial


By John

The teacher was sent to trial Angelo Giuseppe Bastoneaccused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cosenza of having sexually harassed some students of the «Valentini-Majorana» high school in Castrolibero and the former head teacher Jolanda Maletta, which was charged with the crime of omission of official acts. The Cosenza magistrate Manuela Gallo decided this this morning. The trial will begin on January 11, 2024.
The story dates back to February last year – the events would have occurred in a previous period – and arose from complaint from some students who told investigators that they had suffered sexual harassment from the teacher while they were at school. After the complaints, the student community mobilized and occupied the school for a few weeks.
The crimes committed against the teacher are sexual violence, attempted sexual violence, sexual harassment and attempted extortion.
The former school director, now retired, is accused of omission of official acts because, as a public official and despite being aware of it, he allegedly failed to report the facts.
The investigations were started by the Carabinieri of the Cosenza Company after complaints lodged by the students who were allegedly harassed by the professor. In particular, there were four girls who were allegedly subjected to harassment, all minors at the time of the events.