Autonomy, Orrico: “The collection of signatures for the referendum continues. We will protect Calabria”


By John

“In ten days we have The threshold of 500 thousand signatures to request the abrogative referendum of the law introducing differentiated autonomy has already been broken, but we will continue to monitor the territories anyway to tell people how the Meloni government would like to split the country”.

The MP says so Anna Laura Orrico, Calabrian coordinator of the 5 Star Movement.

“Our presence in the Calabrian squares – says Orrico – thanks to the territorial groups and activists has already begun from the Tirreno, as already happened in Scalea, to the Ionian, as already happened in Corigliano Rossano. But the summer is still long and the locations and dates in which we will collect signatures for the referendum are many and others are still being defined. Citizens, in fact, will find us in these days in Cosenza, both in the central pedestrian area and in Donnici, in Vibo Valentia, Castrovillari, Cutro, Catanzaro Lido, Lungro, Malvito, Fagnano, Bivona. To stay updated and know the exact location, day and time, just follow our social pages or consult the M5s website.

It is important – continues the pentastellate exponent – to send a strong, vibrant and clear message to the right-wing governments that govern us in Rome as in Calabria: we, idle, for shop business, do not do it and you cannot dispose of our destinies with impunity. We do not want this deadly law for the south and we will fight to ensure that it is cancelled.

The referendum – concludes Anna Laura Orrico – that Italians will find, probably already next year, on the agenda, represents the Maginot line of our Republic as we know it. There is no alternative: either we send differentiated Autonomy back to the sender or the welfare state, especially in the South, will disappear”.