Calabria, the new business? Speak foreigner: the new map of economic activities


By John

There is a story that germinates among the numbers and, ultimately, they are always right. The scenario is the one described by the research office of the CGIA of Mestre in a report which turns the spotlight on the geography of business in Italy and which confirms what has already been described by Confartigianato in a study which illuminated the dynamics of female businesses and reiterates what has been found last year by Unioncamere. And so, within the new map of economic activities, foreign shares flourish. Calabria also shows a more inclusive face within its entrepreneurial network. Cosenza and Vibo, in particular, are two of the seven Italian provinces (the others are Catania, Messina, Syracuse, Nuoro and Palermo) where the virtuosity of new businesses founded by locals exceeds that of foreign-led businesses. But it is throughout the South that foreigners with VAT numbers have grown less than their Italian colleagues compared to the rest of the country. Foreign quotas are still not very decisive in production from 2013 to 2023 in Cosenza with a change in the number of entrepreneurs equal to +1,829, based on StockView data from Infocamere, and with foreigners growing by only 726 units. Even in Vibo, where there has been an active balance of entrepreneurs in the last decade equal to 332 units with a participation of only 96 non-Italians. Instead, the foreign company runs in Reggio Calabria which closed 2023 in twenty-sixth place among the Italian provinces thanks to a progression of 1,407 entrepreneurs born abroad out of a positive total of 1,827. Even in Crotone, between 2013 and 2023, there was a double variation in the ratio between foreigners (+411) and Italians (+236). In Catanzaro, however, the difference in ten years brought only 11 more foreigners with a figure, however, strongly negative among Italians (945 fewer). Overall, in the last ten years, throughout Calabria, the change in the number of entrepreneurs is positive (+3,639) thanks to the push of 2,651 non-Italians compared to the 1,253 Italians. And with -265 in the unclassifiable category.