“The time has come to take note of the failure of the current management of health care in Calabria and to change the register. Almost three years after the installation of the president/commissioner at the helm of the Calabrian health system, it is possible to draw up an initial assessment which, unfortunately, cannot but be negative”. This is what the regional councilor of the Democratic Party, vice president of the Health commission, states, Amalia Bruni.
“We are aware of the difficulties and complexities that afflict the Calabrian healthcare system, with daily dramas that affect citizens and patients. Precisely for this reason, we have never ventured into instrumentalization or easy polemics, but have always stuck to the facts. And the facts, today before the eyes of all Calabrians, confirm the disaster of this management”, Bruni continues.
“The president/commissioner has powers and financial resources never had in the past by any other commissioner or president. He has also been able to count on unprecedented government and parliamentary availability. And yet, what is the state of health of the Calabrian health service?”, asks the regional councilor of the Democratic Party.
“Unfortunately, and we say this with great concern, the calabrese health service is in a state of agony. Every day, from north to south of the region, unbearable suffering is recorded, from territorial services, now practically non-existent, to hospitals in crisis. What happened at the Annunziata hospital in Cosenza is emblematic, with inexplicable flooding and resignations of chief physicians after only a few weeks of service. The situation of the emergency/urgency service throughout the region is equally worrying”, Bruni urges.
“There lack of staff remains the first major emergency, and on this too the commissioner has chosen the wrong strategy. Instead of focusing on obtaining the nomination, the priority should have been, after eleven long years, the renegotiation with the government of the constraints of the recovery plan, such as spending on personnel (still at 2004 levels) and hiring plans related to production. Without a review of these constraints, we will never get out of the recovery plan”, underlines the vice president of the Health commission.
“We cannot resign ourselves to just reporting. We will continue to do so with punctuality and rigor, putting forward concrete proposals, as always, promoting a constant debate with trade unions, mayors, associations. Starting from the resumption of activities, we will ask for a hearing of all the general managers and commissioners of the health companies for an update on the state of the art in all the structures. Calabrian healthcare deserves more and we can no longer afford to wait. It is time to act, to deploy all the resources and skills necessary to restore dignity and efficiency to a sector that affects the life and health of every citizen”, concludes Councilor Amalia Bruni.