Cassano Iono, the Council approves both the financial forecast budget and the Dup 2025/2027.


By John

The City Council, upon proposal of the mayor Giovanni Papasso, assisted by the general secretary, Dr. Angelo De Marcoapproved both the financial forecast budget and the Dup for the three-year period 2025-2027.

The financial document is the result of careful planning and analysis work and outlines the guidelines for the development of the city in the coming years. The budget, drawn up in compliance with current regulations and in line with the indications of the DUP, the Single Programming Document, represents a fundamental tool for guaranteeing the financial sustainability of the institution and for implementing strategic projects for the community.

The budget forecast 2025-2027 provides for investments in essential services in various fields from land cleaning, social services to maintenance and security, promotion of tourism and culture and modernization of infrastructure. Together with the budget, the Council approved a series of fundamental documents for the management of the institution: “We look to the future – commented Mayor Giovanni Papasso – and we approve the budget outline and guarantee balance and solidity to the city and its coffers. Inside we have included the real expenses for electricity and all other utilities with retail consumption and they are not underestimated as happened in the past with other municipal administrations when off-balance sheet debts were generated due to this incorrect modus operandi . I remember the millions of euros that we have had to pay in past years for energy costs not initially recorded in the budget. Money that weighed and had a significant impact on public finances. But many other interventions have also been announced: in the forecast we also foreseen 400 thousand euros to definitively solve the problem of the water purification plant of the Sibari Lakes and bring drinking water back to the Sibari nautical complex. If we also take into consideration the budget changes approved in recent days, we end up having, including the new four policemen, forty new employees in the workforce as well as bringing in, from December 1st, the contracted workers from the former lsu-lpu basin full time. These are signs of the great importance we have given to the topic of work in our political agenda. The objective was to give a solid future to public finances this time too and so it was.”

The word on the budget plan now passes to the city council and, after approval, it will come into force and form the basis for the financial management of the institution in the coming years.