Some problems in the initial phase were inevitable and are regularly occurring. The province of Catanzaro is one of the nine in Italy in which the new methods for starting the procedure for ascertaining the condition of disability began on January 1st (for all the others we will talk about it from 2026)one of the innovations introduced by legislative decree no. 62 of 2024, which in general changed the approach towards disabled people.
On the basis of the reform, the condition of disability is always recognized by an INPS commission at the end of a process initiated through an “introductory medical certificate”, completed by the general practitioner or by a doctor of the national health service, which brings together the the health part (always taken care of by doctors) and the socio-health part relating to the necessary economic requirements (previously taken care of by the charities) of the old invalidity-disability application.
«The regional INPS and the Order of Doctors have worked to make the new system immediately effective, which aims to ensure a more complete and effective medical evaluation of citizens in fragile situations and to reduce the time between the citizen’s request and the request as much as possible. provision of the benefits potentially due”, they underline Daniele Gualtierigeneral secretary CISL Magna Graecia, e Giuseppe Talaricohead of the Inas patronage of the CISL of Catanzaro: «The prediction that the outcome of the basic assessment will be certified by a certificate with validity not limited in time is also positive, because this reduces the cases in which further visits will be necessary».