The political climate that has been felt for some months now in the city, the first in the province and the third in the Calabriasince the first signs of the electoral campaign of the last administrative elections began, which saw the mayor prevail with plebiscitary results Flavio Stasi and his coalition against the centre-right and the candidate for mayor Pasqualina Strafacand, during which there were harsh controversies between the opposing coalitions, and accusations even on a personal level.
After the electoral defeat, the opposition’s attacks have intensified on every episode or position taken by the opponents who manage the municipality, despite the appeals for collaboration from both sides, some in words and others in effect, the last of which came from the group leader of the Green Left Alliance Giovanni B. Leonetti who pointed out how the comparison in the civic assembly on the big and small issues is «the most complete form of democratic participation» which leads to the involvement of all citizens.
But let’s go back to the recent harsh stance taken by the mayor, the first health authority of the municipality and president of the conference of mayors of the province, towards the state of crisis of the local health system regarding the emergency service of 118, whose stations largely do not have a doctor on board (the episode on which Stasi focused is the one from a few days ago when the helicopter rescue had to intervene to help a swimmer who had felt ill because the ambulance was without a doctor) which triggered the very harsh reaction full of accusations from the opposition city councilor and president of the regional health commission, Pasqualina Straface.
For the regional councilor, Stasi with his intervention would give the impression of being an expert in everything, health and transportation, while, according to Straface «he forgets to be the mayor and spreads fake news». She also highlights that there are «a thousand unresolved problems, open city issues and without any strategy other than that of silence, an absolute lack of transparency in the management of the Authority, yet Stasi finds time, energy and strength to deal with many other issues that do not concern the functions of his elective mandate, that is, being the Mayor». She adds that «he continues to play the national-popular distraction of South American style, thinking he can wear different clothes; first that of the regional councilor for health, then that of transportation, tomorrow perhaps that of tourism, he spreads demagogy, indifference and populism in the media and on social media, where he remains resident and domiciled».