Cosenza, Ilaria Mirabelli’s relatives want to see clearly: request to open a case for voluntary homicide


By John

Lawyer Guido Siciliano has filed a complaint requesting the opening of an investigation file for voluntary homicide and road homicide in relation to the death of Ilaria Mirabelli39 years old, died following a road accident that occurred along the Ss 107 Silana-Crotonese on August 25th. The woman was traveling with a friend, Mario Molinariwho was slightly injured. “The complaint,” explains lawyer Sicliano, the legal representative of the victim’s relatives, “is aimed at obtaining a series of tests to verify the compatibility of the injuries found on Mirabelli’s body with the registered incident. As soon as the new hypotheses of crime are registered, we will proceed with the ritual request for an evidentiary incident, in order to remove any possible doubt regarding the death and also as a guarantee for the possible suspect.” Clarity on the incident has been requested by the Conference of Democratic Women of Calabria, the Anti-Violence Center “Lanzino” of Cosenza and the Fem.In group of Cosenza. The prosecutor Donatella Donato is investigating the matter with the help of the Carabinieri.