Cosenza is a unique city, those in favor and against compete for the scene


By John

The debate on the Single City, in view of next Sunday’s referendum, is heating up. The former mayor Piero Minutolopresident of the association “Io participiamo” is in favor of the merger: «With the victory of the Yes vote, unitary planning of the territory, services and productive activities will be possible; obtain greater revenues (up to 10 million for 15 years), considerable economies of scale on urban hygiene services, transport, supplies, school canteens and school buses as well as significant savings on policy costs (around 6 million in 15 years). It will also be possible to maintain differentiated tariffs and taxes in pre-existing municipalities for 5 years. Nobody will erase Rende and Castrolibero.”
Giacomo Mancini, coordinator of the “Yes” committees of the Democratic Party says: «The unique city of the third millennium has two very powerful magnets: the University of Calabria and the historic center of Cosenza which together represent history, tradition, culture, research, growth and innovation, which fuel the engine that can release the power to be attractive and competitive in Calabria and in the South. I imagine the university and the historic center to be connected by Viale Giacomo Mancini and Viale Francesco and Carolina Principe, which will have to be joined together. The directional heart of the city of the third millennium will be central to the three current municipalities. I imagine it near the intersection of the two avenues. In the area now occupied by the prison. I imagine the new town hall and the management offices of the capital city will rise in that area. The modern, functional and eco-friendly business center will be a few hundred meters from the Vaglio Lise station which will become an intermodal hub.”
Sergio Nucci and the “Buongiorno Cosenza” association lined up for the “no”, they explain: «The single city will entail the reorganization of the cooperatives, which for the budget of the new municipality are an unsustainable expense, and this will lead to the loss of many jobs».