Nineteen amateur sports clubs, for a total of 1600 athletes, will be able to use the sports facilities attached to schools and institutes under municipal jurisdiction. This was announced by the Sports Councilor Luca Bossi The executive provision follows the public notice which provided for the concession of use during extra-curricular hours by amateur sports associations, affiliated with Federations or sports promotion bodies recognized and registered in the CONI register for the performance of sports activities and events for the year 2024/2025.
The facilities, located throughout the city, are located at the city schools, both central and branch.: IC Giovanni XXIII (Montessori complex and via Venezia complex), ICV Alfieri (Codignola complex and via Cutro complex), IC Don Milani (via Gioacchino da Fiore), IC Alcmeone (central complex and via Saffo complex), IC IV circolo (via Gioacchino da Fiore complex), IC Cutuli). The nineteen companies that have applied are: Asd Jonica Basket, Asd Beach Volley Crew, Asd Tennis Club, Asd Thai Warrords, Asd Fredom to play, Asd Fazenda Alexandra, Asd Infinity, Latin Art Accademy, Asd Judo Calabro Brugellis, Asd Sporting Club Crotone, Asd Judo Milone, Asd New Team Basket 2000, Asd Futsal Kroton, Asd Pallavolo Crotone, Energemma Fitness, Asd Gold Nak Muay, Kroton Sport & Social, Asd I Fit Club, Asd Milon Runner.
“Compared to last year, there were fourteen, we have an increase in clubs whose athletes will be able to practice sports in the gyms under the jurisdiction of the municipality. A total of 1600 athletes, important numbers. It is a sign of trust in the administration and at the same time it expands the possibility for many young people to play sports in our city. I thank the director Marano, the official Fallico and the commission for having worked quickly to implement the administration’s direction to make the concessions coincide with the start of the school season. They succeeded and it is an important result that goes in the direction of ensuring as many as possible as ASDs to promote sports practice” declares Councilor Bossi.