“With the Caivano Decree, a series of important innovations are introduced which take on an extraordinary value in particular for some small businesses in our territory. Thanks in fact to an FDI amendment signed by me for the first time a modification has been introduced into the decree which has the aim of combating the depopulation of internal areas, small islands as well as geographical areas inhabited by linguistic minorities, located in the Southern Regions, as foreseen in the Southern Agenda. The law specifically provides that scholastic and educational institutions of the first and second cycle of education derogate from the minimum number of students per class without the limit imposed by the regulation referred to in the decree of the President of the Republic of 20 March 2009, n. 81, with financial stability, within the limits of the staff of the autonomy assigned at regional level. A huge result which, in addition to stemming the depopulation of internal areas, actually allows the State to maintain a fundamental guarantee of legality in these territories. A turning point for many small educational institutions in many disadvantaged areas, for example in the Aeolian Islands, in the small mountain centers of the Nebrodi or Madonie and in many municipalities in the Sicilian hinterland“.
The senator of the Brothers of Italy declares it Ella Bucalo member of the Senate culture and education commission and responsible for the party’s schools.