“There Calabria he could have been driving the battle to stop differentiated autonomy and it did not do so, leaving the task of resorting to the Consultation to the other Regions. Courage was lacking and today, faced with the Court’s ruling which demolishes the Calderoli law in its central points, our Region appears weak and contradictory.” The mayor of Catanzaro states this Nicola Fiorita.
«It’s a shame – he continues – because the appeal I launched, and then signed by 130 mayors including all those of the big cities, had indicated an institutional path, the appeal to the Consulta, invoking a substantial convergence between the centre-right and the centre-left for the interest of Calabria. Instead, it was decided to water down everything with the use of phantom “observers”, a line unfortunately also adopted by Anci Calabria. And while this was observed in Calabria, the other Regions got serious and the Council practically demolished the Calderoli plant.”
«I think that President Occhiuto’s concerns about the harmful effects of Autonomy – concludes Fiorita – are sincere and today, after the enlightening pronouncement of the Consulta, I feel like asking him for a strong political commitment, also in his role as national leader of Forza Italy, so that the law on Autonomy is rewritten in compliance with national unity and the interests of the South, safeguarding the fundamental rights of Calabrian citizens”.