THE carabinieri of the station of Cittanovacoordinated by the Prosecutor Emanuele Crescenti and the Deputy Prosecutor Veronica Origlio of the Palmi Prosecutor’s Office, carried out a precautionary measure against a 38-year-old non-EU citizen originally from Nigeria, investigated on the serious charge of mistreatment in the family.
The facts date back to last June, following a call received on the Single Emergency Number “112” with whichThe staff of the SAI Centre (Reception and Integration System) in Cittanova reported an ongoing assault against one of their clients. In particular, according to the caller, the woman had asked for help because her partner was attacking her, preventing her from leaving the house. Circumstances actually found by the carabinieri who intervened on the spot.
Therefore, the activation of the code redthe legislative measure introduced to ensure timely reaction by law enforcement and the judiciary to gender-based crimes, such as domestic abuse, stalking and sexual violence.
And so, thanks to the close collaboration between the military of the Arma and the staff of the Anti-Violence Help Desk of Taurianova, it was possible to reconstruct over 10 years of moral harassment and physical violence suffered by the woman, who had never before found the strength to report it. Finding courage and thinking about the future of her minor children, often witnesses of the attacks, the victim told how, over time, even banal situations of cohabitation had become a real ordeal, with her partner who, abusing alcohol and drugs, was ready to raise his hands and offend her. What opened the complainant’s eyes and made her aware of the unsustainability of that situation was an argument that arose from the woman’s request to receive money to be able to provide for the support of her children. Hearing that “demand”, her partner had started hitting her on the head and back, telling her that if she needed money, he would force her into prostitution.
According to the accusation hypothesis supported by the GIP of Palmi who signed the order, it is believed that only the precautionary measure of house arrest can ensure that the suspect, immediately already affected by a prohibition on approaching the injured party, no longer represents a danger for his ex-partner.
Among other things, the assessments made by the investigating judge of Palmi were influenced by the fact that the mistreatment to which the woman was a victim, which had occurred even before her transfer to Italy, arose from the lack of a real family union and were accentuated by the arrestee’s abusive and violent behaviour.
The proceedings are currently pending in the investigation phase and the actual responsibility of the person subject to the precautionary measure, together with the validity of the accusations brought against him, will be examined during the subsequent trial. Further investigative and evidentiary developments are not excluded, also in favor of the person under investigation.
Are you a victim of violence or stalking? You are not alone. Call 112 – Single Emergency Number – or 1522 – Anti-Violence and Stalking Number.