The parallel plans: the match for the port of Gioia Tauro is played between Calabria, Rome and Brussels. There is regional mobilization, the search for solutions at a national level and above all the pressure on the European Commission for a substantial change to the application of the emissions regulations which from next January 1st risks putting the transshipment system in crisis by favoring the ports of the North Africa. And the “brake” on the relocation of activities to Port Said and Tanger Med provided for by the implementing regulation which identifies the “neighbouring container transhipment ports” will be of little value.
While in the Gioia area the tension (and the level of expectation) remains very high, on the European front the Meloni government strongly insists. «A letter signed by the deputy prime minister and minister Salvini, together with his colleague Pichetto Fratin and the counterparts of Cyprus, Croatia, Greece, Malta, Portugal and Spain, was delivered to the European Commission, requesting a urgent intervention to defend the competitiveness of Mediterranean ports, especially those of transshipment”, MIT announced yesterday. Salvini added: «This is an intervention that demonstrates the growing ability of the Italian government to coagulate consensus in Europe in defense of economic competitiveness against ideological and profoundly wrong choices».