Goodbye citizenship income: here’s how to receive the 350 euros per month of training and work support.
Is called Siisl (Information system for social and working inclusion)and the new platform for the intersection between supply and demand for work and trainingwhich starts on Friday 1st September together with Support for training and work (Sfl)the new tool for i employable subjects who leave the Citizenship Income. It will then be destined for the audience of the Inclusion Allowance (which will start on January 1, 2024) but the objective, in the short term, is to address anyone who is entering the world of work for the first time and anyone aiming to re-enter the workforce. By putting the data online, you will see the job offers converge with the indication of vacancies, training courses and applications.
In the last budget, 7 billion were allocated for the new inclusion system which starts in January 2024 (compared to the 8.7 billion allocated under the regime for the Citizenship Income) while in 2023 the stop to the Income for families who have reached the seven monthly payments allows for savings of approximately 950 million.
From September 1st (from the INPS website or through the patronages) it will be possible to submit the application for Support for training and work, the measure aimed at employable people between 18 and 59 years of age from families with ISEE not exceeding 6 thousand euros, which come out from Income. They will be able to receive 350 euros per month, for a maximum of 12 months, but only if they follow the path. If you abandon it, skip an activity or refuse a job offer you will lose the benefit
The next step is registration on the platform: applicants will have to fill in the CV, sign the Digital Activation Agreement (Pad) and contact three employment agencies; they will then be contacted by the employment center to sign the Personalized Service Agreement (Pds).
Job offers, as well as training courses, will be published and managed on the platform. By browsing the portal, they themselves will be able to identify offers and projects among the available announcements. In addition to indicating the employment agencies from which you can be contacted, it is possible to independently consult the proposals and indicate your preferences, expressing an expression of interest.
What is the Support for training and work (SFL) measure?
Starting from 1 September 2023, Support for training and work (SFL) will be established, a new work activation measure, which provides for the participation of beneficiaries in training, professional qualification and retraining, orientation and work support projects. and active labor policies.
The SFL measures include both universal civil service and projects useful to the community. Participation in the courses includes a participation allowance equal to a monthly amount of 350 euros. This amount is paid for the entire duration of the measure, within a maximum limit of twelve months and is paid monthly by INPS.
For which activities is Support for Training and Work (SFL) recognised?
Within the scope of the SFL, training, professional qualification and requalification, orientation, work accompaniment, specialist orientation, training initiation, support for job entry or re-entryment, support for self-employment within programs can be initiated. of active labor policies, including those of the National Program for Guaranteeing the Employability of Workers (GOL).
Who can access the Support for training and work (SFL) measure?
The Support measure for training and work can be accessed by family members aged between 18 and 59, with a valid family ISEE value not exceeding €6,000 per year, who have not the requirements to access the inclusion allowance. The SFL can also be used exclusively by members of the families receiving the Inclusion Allowance who decide to participate in the courses even if they are not subject to the foreseen obligations, provided that they are not calculated in the equivalence scale.
In the request, the interested party is required to demonstrate enrollment in first-level adult education courses, or in any case functional to the fulfillment of compulsory education.
Which members of the family can access the Support for training and work (SFL) measure even if they are recipients of the Inclusion Allowance (ADI)?
Specifically, the components that do not fall within the equivalence scale are considered eligible for work:
- all adult members beyond the first counted in the equivalence scale,
- who do not have disabilities or lack of self-sufficiency
- under the age of 60
- without care loads
- who is not in a condition of serious biopsycho-social distress and included in treatment and assistance programs certified by the public administration.
How do I request the Support for Training and Work (SFL) measure?
The SFL is requested by the interested party from INPS, at the patronage institutes or, starting from 1 January 2024, at the Tax Assistance Centers electronically and the related activation process is implemented through the activation platform for social and work inclusion present in the Information System for social and work inclusion (SIISL) through automatic sending to the competent employment services. At the time of the application, the interested party is informed that through the SIISL he will receive information regarding the acceptance of his request to continue the activation process.
The request is then accepted by INPS, after verifying that the requirements are met, on the basis of the information available in its databases or through those made available by the public administrations holding the data necessary for verifying the requirements, through interoperability systems.
In the request, the interested party:
- issues the declaration of immediate availability if it does not already have an active declaration;
- expressly authorizes the transmission of data relating to the request to employment centres, employment agencies and bodies authorized to carry out intermediation activities as well as to entities accredited to employment services;
- demonstrates enrollment in first level adult education courses or in any case functional to the fulfillment of compulsory education.
Upon completion of the checks and subsequent acceptance of the request, INPS informs the applicant that, for the purposes of implementing the measure, if he has not already done so, he must access the SIISL in order to sign the digital activation agreement.
What does the digital activation agreement (PAD) consist of?
In the digital activation agreement, the beneficiary provides the essential information for taking charge and identifies, for the purposes of activation for work and subsequent signing of the personalized service agreement, at least three employment agencies or bodies authorized to carry out the intermediation. In the digital activation agreement, the beneficiary also undertakes to present himself at the convocation of the competent employment service for the stipulation of the personalized service agreement.
How is the beneficiary summoned by the competent services?
Following the signing of the digital activation agreement, the beneficiary is summoned by the competent employment service to stipulate the personalized service agreement. The call can be made via the Unitary Information System, or by other means, such as telephone messaging or e-mail, using the consent and contacts provided for this purpose by the beneficiaries as part of the digital activation agreement.
What happens after the signing of the personalized service agreement?
On the basis of the activities proposed and defined in the personalized service agreement, the interested party, through the SIISL, can receive or independently identify job offers, orientation and work support services and active policies however named or specific training programs and useful projects to the community provided by entities, public or private, accredited for training by regional systems, by joint inter-professional funds and by bilateral bodies.
What happens if a beneficiary already has an active service agreement?
In the event that the beneficiary already has an active personalized service agreement or is among the subjects already involved in active policy programs and actions, the personalized service agreement is updated or integrated.
What are the economic requirements to access the Support for training and work (SFL) measure?
With reference to the economic condition, the applicant’s family unit must jointly possess:
a family income value lower than a threshold of 6,000 euros per year multiplied by the corresponding parameter of the equivalence scale. If the family unit is made up of people all aged 67 or over or of people aged 67 or over and other family members all in conditions of serious disability or non-self-sufficiency, the family income threshold is set in euros 7,560 per year, multiplied according to the same equivalence scale.
In the value of welfare treatments, the following are not calculated:
a) payments relating to the single and universal allowance;
b) disbursements relating to the payment of arrears;
c) the specific and motivated economic support measures of an extraordinary nature, additional to the economic benefit of the Inclusion Allowance, identified within the scope of the personalized project drawing on resources of the municipality or territorial area;
d) the compensatory increases defined at regional level for the components expressly defined as additional to the economic benefit of the Inclusion Allowance;
e) reductions in sharing the cost of services, as well as any exemptions and concessions for the payment of taxes;
f) disbursements for reporting of expenses incurred or disbursements in the form of service vouchers or other securities that perform the function of replacing services.
Any income and assets not included in the ISEE are declared when requesting the benefit and assessed for this purpose.