Green light for the plan on waiting lists with a decree and a bill. Criticism from the regions and from the Democratic Party


By John

Part amid controversy the plan against waiting listsapproved by the Council of Ministers, which gave the green light for both a decree law and a bill. Two different measures which, according to Health Minister Schillaci, are “the result of work that has seen us interact with Regions, professional associations and citizens' associations”. But the Regions themselves, called to apply most of the measures, reiterate the “absence of concertation”. Raffaele Donini, coordinator of the Health Commission for the Conference of the Regions who had already reported a critical position of the Regions yesterday, confirms the negative opinion, defining it as an “abstract and lacking in coverage” decree. With the aggravation of a lack of comparison.

The prime minister also takes action to defend the measures Giorgia Meloni who in a video on social media speaks of “very significant steps forward”, recalling that everyone will be called to “greater responsibilities” including citizens. If they do not show up for the visit, without canceling with two days' notice, “they will still have to pay the ticket even if it is reduced”. The prime minister also announces 60 million for mental health departments.

Inevitably, a measure like this becomes a source of controversy a few days before the elections. Criticism comes from the Democratic Party: for the secretary Elly Schlein “there are not enough resources to reduce the waiting lists”, while for Debora Serracchiani “a law decree five days before the vote is just electoral fluff. “The issue is that of resources – states the former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, now a member of the Democratic Party – “Any reform without resources, four days before the elections, is pure propaganda”. Some governors reject the measures: “an immense ball” for the president of Campania Vincenzo De Luca, a “facade intervention without resources” for his Tuscan colleague Eugenio Giani. “The funds are certainly needed but I believe that this first important step gives a signal to the system” is the assessment of the governor of Lazio Francesco Rocca.

There are two texts in which the government's intervention was doubled. On the one hand, the decree law, 7 articles in total with a national platform for monitoring, which will have to communicate with the regional ones, creates a single regional or intra-regional Cup with all the services available to the public and those affiliated with it. If the visits are not provided within the times established by the priority classes, the service is guaranteed intramoenia or in an accredited private setting.

Prohibition to suspend or close diaries. A 'recall' system will avoid the phenomenon of services booked and not carried out. Visits and tests can also be carried out on Saturdays and Sundays. And in every hospital the hours of intramoenia must not exceed ordinary activity.

Spending on personnel rises: 15% of the increase in the Health Fund compared to the previous year. The spending cap will be abolished from 2025 but there will be a calculation of a standard staffing requirement. The decree also provides an action plan for the strengthening of health and social-health services in the 7 regions of the south targeted by the National Health Equity Program 2021-2027. A flat tax of 15% of the additional hourly services of health workers involved in reducing the lists is also foreseen.

Among the main measures of the bill (15 articles) there is a 20% increase in hourly rates for staff for additional services against waiting lists, the possibility for specialists of freelance professional assignments of up to 10 weekly hours. The measures against coin collectors have been confirmed with the possibility of hiring with self-employment contracts.
The increase in spending limits for the purchase of healthcare services from accredited private individuals. Furthermore, the Regions assign annual objectives on the reduction of waiting lists for the evaluation and verification of the activity of regional health directors and general directors of companies. Depending on whether these objectives are achieved or not, rewards, sanctions and even suspension are envisaged