Hamas attacks Italy: “They have chosen to be on the wrong side with Israel”. Tajani’s response: “False accusations, we defend Palestine”


By John

Unfortunately, the Italian government has once again chosen the right, the right side of history. We are a people under occupation. We seek our independence, freedom and dignity. We have no intention of harming anyone. But it is a mistake to choose to move against international law, against international humanitarian law and try to support Israel not only politically and diplomatically, but also militarily, by mobilizing Italian soldiers in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. It is a very serious mistake that transforms Italy into one of the parties in the aggression against our people“. These are the words of Basem Naim, former Hamas Minister of Health in Gaza, on Agorà Rai Tre, hosted by Roberto Inciocchi, on the position of the Italian government.

Tajani’s response: “False accusations against Italy from Hamas

“Hamas’s accusations that Italy is the “aggressor” of the Palestinians is a blatant falsehood. Instead, it seems to me that we are helping the Palestinian people given the material that arrived in Egypt yesterday and today. We are insisting on Israel that the Palestinian people be spared We are against Hamas because it is a terrorist and criminal organization.”

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said this at a press conference in Turin. «We defend the right of the Palestinian people to have a state but we will never say that we are friends of Hamas. Condemning Hamas terrorism means telling the truth,” he added.