Kidney stone for Tamberi, he risks saying goodbye to the Paris Olympics


By John

Incredible bad luck for Tamberi, a few days before the race. The Italian risks not leaving for Paris. The Olympian himself says so. “Incredible… It can’t be true. Yesterday, 2 hours after writing “I deserve it” on social media, I felt a stabbing pain in my side. Emergency room, CT scan, ultrasound, blood tests…. Probably a kidney stone. And now I find myself, 3 days before the race for which I sacrificed everything, lying in a bed, helpless, with a fever of 38.8… I was supposed to leave for Paris today and begin my journey towards this great dream and instead I was advised to postpone the flight to tomorrow, in the hope that, with a bit of rest, this nightmare will end. All I can do is wait and pray… I don’t deserve all this, I did everything for these Olympics, everything. I really don’t deserve it. Only one thing is certain, I don’t know how I’ll get there, but I’ll be there on that platform and I’ll give my all until the last jump, whatever my condition. I swear to you but even before that I swear to myself!”