Lamezia, the thrust of the former auditor: «There is a dispute of 25 million»


By John

«The institution has a pending dispute whose value stands at approximately 25/26 million euros, compared to a balance of the litigation fund (2022) of approximately 5.5 million euros. Furthermore, the councilor fails to say that the provisions to the fund depend on the dynamics of these disputes and their dimensions derive from the precise estimates of the entity’s lawyers. In practice, it is set aside based on the risk of losing which is estimated by the municipal body’s lawyers; the function of the litigation fund is therefore to restore/cover the costs of pending litigation in such a way that they have no impact on the budget balance”.
The councilor mentioned in the quote is Sandro Zaffina, budget councilor of the Mascaro council; to make his umpteenth assessment on the Municipality’s accounts Rocco Nicita, former president of the board of auditors who resigned from his position last summer. The accounting expert responds to what the councilor declared to the Gazzetta del Sud. According to the former president of the auditors, the budget drawn up by the municipal government is not in balance as it presents «the gap between the results of the financial statement for the 2022 financial year and the relevant forecasts (expenditure part-annual 2023) i.e. the allocation to cover the deficit to be repaid”.