What will happen next in the center-right of Lamezia? Does everyone agree with the candidacy of the outgoing mayor? To the “surge” forward of Forza Italia and the mayor Paolo Mascaro How will the forces that are historically allied on a national level but still rather divided within the city react? The “electoral climate” which also anticipates the Christmas holidays has now ignited on all sides: apart from the tables, the unofficial and more formal meetings, the official events of the party forces are also starting to multiply. On the other hand, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia remain, in Lamezia, to form a quiet opposition among the benches and, above all, in the press on issues of city management in which, perhaps, there are not so much political and “ideological” divergences ” to do the lion’s share as, more simply, the accusations and counter-allegations point by point.
Last but not least, for example, the resumption by Fratelli d’Italia Lamezia Terme of the issue of the loss of financing for the expansion and safety measures of the cemetery facilities. «This is deeply saddening news – they write from Fratelli D’Italia – since the lack of burial niches in city cemeteries is a problem that has been known for some time and represents a social and health priority that requires decisive intervention». Meanwhile, what raises eyebrows is the regional reason for the late sending of the requested documentation, as well as the lack of regularity in payments relating to the water service and waste disposal.