Mario Draghi president of the European Commission: the proposal, writes the newspaper Repubblica, would have been drawn up by French president Emmanuel Macron and submitted to Olaf Scholz’s Germany. A scenario that clashes with Draghi at Palazzo Berlaymont and Ursula von del Leyen, current number one of the Commission, at the general secretariat of NATO. Hypothesis, which again according to the Repubblica article, would have the approval of the United States. However, the role of Palazzo Chigi in endorsing or not endorsing the choice would be a significant unknown. Although the elections are still several months away, the scenario quickly provokes a series of reactions and distancing.
The most important is that of the person directly involved: sources close to the former number one of Bank of Italy let it slip: Draghi is not interested in the presidency of the European Commission. Paris, on the other hand, is tight-lipped: “we have no comment to make”, they limit themselves to filtering sources from the Elysée. A delivery of silence which represents the line also chosen in Brussels by MEPs loyal to Macron. The hypothesis of Draghi in Europe would then determine the decline of the possible encore of the popular Ursula von der Leyen. For this reason, deputy prime minister Antonio Tajani reiterates his support for the current president of the Commission. The leader of Forza Italia, a party that militates in the EPP, makes it clear that the People’s Party will confirm its support for von der Leyen: «The treaties provide that the President of the Commission is identified taking into account the results of the election of the new European Parliament. We European people – he explains – will hold our congress in February in Bucharest and I really believe that we will confirm the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen”.
The reactions in Italy
After Draghi’s denial there is nothing to add, is the reasoning of Fratelli d’Italia. Not only that – they generally observe in the centre-right – to hypothesize the former number one at the top of the EU Commission would be to entrust a technician with a role resulting from political agreements. Those who have no doubts are Action: «We will work in every way to achieve this objective», clearly says Carlo Calenda who adds: «Draghi at the helm of the EU, in the Commission or in the Council, would represent the best chance for Europe to recover . He has already saved the euro once and came to Italy’s rescue at a dramatic moment. He possesses the auctoritas, the dignitas and the experience to make the EU make the leap in quality that he needs.”
Along the same lines, Riccardo Magi, secretary of +Europa «Draghi has been able to clearly express more than anyone else the tragedy and importance of the current historical phase for Europe: ‘Europe is in crisis, it must become a state. His leadership would be the best guarantee to take this path necessary for the relaunch of the Union.” Also taking the field in support of the former prime minister is the vice-president of Renew Europe, the Renzian Nicola Danti “Draghi is a very strong resource for Europe, in whatever role he is nominated. He is exactly the right man to reawaken the continent and make it return to being a leading player in global challenges. In this sense, we reiterate total support for any hypothesis.” This is echoed in Italy by Davide Faraone, group leader of IV in the Chamber: “United States of Europe, European army, direct election of the president of the commission, Draghi at the helm of the council or commission: we are there.”