Messina rediscovering its treasures during the Marian Night


By John

A “Night” in the name of culture aimed not only at discovering and rediscovering some places in the city, but also to revive the origins of the cult and the profound devotion of the people of Messina towards their Patron, the Madonna of the Letter. Once again the “Marian Night”, now in its second editionmet with great success, confirming itself as a quality event lived in the name of participation thanks to the extraordinary opening of churches and monuments in the historic center which hosted concerts, exhibitions and conferences, with the involvement of bodies, institutions and associations.

A wide-ranging cultural container, proposed again after the first exciting edition in 2023, promoted on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the foundation of the diocesan interconfraternal centre. The initiative, in honor of the Madonna della Lettera, was curated by the CID, chaired by Fortunato Marino with Don Vincenzo Majuri, director of the diocesan office for the Confraternities and spiritual assistant of the CID in synergy with the Archdiocese and the Cathedral Basilica, of which Don Roberto Romeo is the archbishop's delegate.

The “Marian Night” – whose coordination of initiatives was entrusted to Alessandro D'Angelo and the delegate for cultural activities of the Cid Marco Grassi – began in the Cathedral with the conference held by Don Roberto Romeo, followed by the evocative visit to the Shrine of Relics, to the fercoli of the Madonna della Lettera and of Vascelluzzo, to the exhibition of sacred vestments, in the monumental Sacristy, to the Treasure Museum and the astronomical bell tower. The conferences were entrusted to Msgr. Giuseppe Costa, in the chapel of the Archbishopric; to Don Vincenzo Majuri, in the Catalani church; to Msgr. Giò Tavilla, in the church of Santa Caterina, where it was possible to admire the display of Marian banners. Space for music in the cloisters of the Archbishopric with concerts by the youth choir “Note Colorate” and the brothers Giovanni and Gabriele Scarfì.

The exhibitions are also very fascinating: “The journey of Saint Paul Apostle of the People”, promoted by the “Giacomo Longo” regional university library in collaboration with Archeoclub-Integrated Area of ​​the Strait (open until 26 June). The professor's dioramas are also suggestive. Carmelo Ariosto (visitable until June 3) set up in the cloisters of the Archbishopric. Particular interest was aroused by the listening itinerary “42 AD Letters from the sky” promoted by the actor William Caruso which took place through the streets of the historic center. And of great interest at the Monte di Pietà is the conference on “Giulio Aristide Sartorio and Messina”, organized by prof. Marco Grassi. In the church of the Catalans it was possible to visit the precious silver Manta of Santa Maria della Scala and the evocative exhibition “The Icon of Santa Maria della Sacra Lettera and other Icons of the Mother of God”, created in detail by the iconographer Paolo Lanza.
In the churchyard of Montalto, another musical moment with the concert dedicated to the women of the Maurolico high school choir, directed by the teacher Silvia Bruccini and the visit to the Sanctuary Museum. The various places that hosted the events were animated by figures from the Renaissance Company of the Star.