«I have taken it upon myself to initiate discussions with the regional department so that in a short time, through a clear rule, the same right is recognized for District councilors». The revelation was made by the city councilor Giovanni Caruso during the session in which the Chamber voted to increase its attendance fees. And the “right” to which he had referred was precisely the one to doubling of the tokenas happened for all the other elected and non-elected representatives (there are also councillors) of Palazzo Zanca.
From words we moved on to actions, in a few days. On Monday afternoon Caruso himself promoted a meeting between a large representation of councilors and municipal presidents (32 councillors, of which 5 presidents, non-Deluchian ones) and the regional councilor for local authorities, Andrea Messina. The meeting was held in a room of the Sant’Elia hotel, in via Primo Settembre, and several ideas emerged.