To address the challenges of water scarcity in some areas of the city of Messina, a temporary plan for the controlled distribution of water has been prepared that will affect certain areas (Zones A and B). The plan will come into force on Monday, August 5.
ZONE A: in supply from August 5th, on alternate days
Detail of Zone A (in alphabetical order)
Block 521, Locality San Leone, Fornace District, Section Including Viale Boccetta Corner of Viale Regina Margherita (Archimede School), Via 145/A, Via 153/C, Via Alessandro Manzoni, Via Alfredo Cappellini, Via Andria, Via Ansaldo Patti, Via Ansalone, Via Antonio Canova, Via Antonio Pracanica, Via Antonio Vivaldi, Via Argentina, Via Barbalonga, Via Bellinzona, Via Bellorato, Via Bolivia, Via Borzi, Via Brasile, Via Case Basse, Via Cile, Via Città di Genova, Via Cola Camuglia, Via Colombia, Via Consolare Pompea (Section of the Roundabout Baby Park up to the Paradiso Fountain), Via Conte di Torino, Via Cuba, Via Curtatone and Montanara, Via degli Antoni, Via dei Ligustri, Via Dei Setaioli, Via del Pozzo, Via del Trionfo, Via delle Mura, Via Dicearco, Via Duca D’Aosta, Via Duca D’Ascoli, Via Duca Degli Abruzzi, Via Elenuccia, Ecuador Street, Foundry Street, Flag Brothers Street, Sea Brothers Street, Gagini Street, Galatti Street, Jesus and Mary in San Leone Street, Gioacchino Rossini Street, Girolamo Alibrandi Street, Giuseppe Bensaja Street, Gonfalone Street, Gordiano Street, Grosso Gacopardo Street, Gucciardini Street, Guglielmo Pepe Street, Guyana Street, Honduras Street, Ibica Street, Ignatianum Street, La Legname Street, Lanzetta Street, Leonardo Sciascia Street, Logoteta Street, Lorenzo Perosi Street, Mario Passamonte Street, Michelangelo Rizzo Street, Nicaragua Street, Nicolò Machiavelli Street, Onofrio Gabriele Street, Observatory Street, Panama Street, Paolo Suraci Street, Pope John II Street, Paraguay Street, Pasquale Calapso Street, Peru Street, Peschiera Street, Pietro Longo Street, Pietro Mascagni Street, Pontedera Street, Prince Thomas Street, Princess Giovanna Street, Princess Mafalda Street, Princess Mary Street, Viale Annunziata Bassa (Section including the Roundabout starting from the Panoramic Roundabout Baby Park), Viale Giostra Basso, Viale Regina Elena, Viale Regina Elena (Section between Via Palermo and the Annunziata Roundabout).
ZONE B: available from August 6th, on alternate days
Zone B Detail (in alphabetical order)
The Conte Water District, the Sterio Fund, the Cortona Square, the Domenico Crisafulli Square, the Gravitelli District, the Arcipeschieri Hill, the Castellaccio Hill, the Rando Hill, the Acqua Del Conte Street, the Adda Street, the Adige Street, the Anastasio Cocco Street, the Andrea Calamech Street, the Apuania Street, the Arezzo Street, the Arno Street, the Bivona Bernardi Street, the Campolo Street, the Carlo Botta Street, the Carrai Street, the Cavalluccio Street, the Chiusi Street, the White Lady Street, the Friends Street, the Pericolanti Street, the Saints Philip and James Street, the Buffalo Street, the Prisons Street, Dina and Clarenza Street, the Dione Street, the Don Giovanni Minzoni Street, the Ducezio Street, the Empoli Street, the Faustino and Tertullo Street, the Felice Bisazza Street, the Francesco Todaro Street, the Gaetano Merulla Street, the Gelone Street, the Giacinto Street, the Giacomo Alfonso Borelli Street, the Giacomo Fiore Street, the Giovanni da Procida Street, the Giovanni del Maestro Street, the GiovanniVia Pascoli, Via Gonzaga, Via Grattoni, Via Isarco, Via Isonzo, Via Largo Arcipeschieri, Via Lembo, Via Lenzi, Via Leopoldo Nicotra, Via Livorno, Via Lorenzo Maisano, Via Lucca, Via Macello Vecchio, Via Madonna della Mercede, Via Mafalda di Scaletta, Via Malvizzi, Via Marcello Malpighi, Via Mincio, Via Monsignore Bruno Francesco, Via Montepiselli, Via Mura dei Gentili, Via Noviziato Casazza (in the section between the Noviziato bar and no. (number 99A), Via O. Turriano, Via Paolo Suraci, Via Peculio Frumentario, Via Pesaro, Via Pietra e Calcina, Via Pietro Castelli (in the section between the Tommaso Cannizzaro intersection and the Church of the Madonna delle Gravidelle), Via Pisa, Via Pistoia, Via Pontedera, Via Reno, Via Rieti, Via Rocca Guelfonia, Via Rocca Portalegni, Via S. Agostino (section between Piazza Crisafulli and the Falconieri Fountain), Via S. Sebastiano, Via Saba Malaspina, Via Saccano, Via Sacred Heart of Jesus, Via Salita della Caperrina, Via Salita Montepiselli, Via San Giovanni Bosco, Via San Paolo, Via Santa Eustochia, Via Santo Stefano, Via Savona, Via Scite, Via Sciva, Via Senigallia, Via Siena, Via Spoleto, Via Stefano Protonotaro, Via Templari, Via Terni, Via Tevere, Via Tommaso Cannizzaro (between Via Pietro Castelli and Via XXIV Maggio), Via Tommaso di Taxo, Via Vallone Castellaccio, Via Velletri, Via Vignazza, Via Volterra, Via XXIV Maggio (from the intersection with Via Tommaso Cannizzaro to Piazza Crisafulli), Viale Italia (the section between Via Simone Juvara Martinez and Tommaso Cannizzaro), Viale Principe Umberto (in the section between the intersection of Via Tommaso Cannizzaro and Via Grattoni), Vico Consolazione, Vico Gonzaga.
During the days of alternating suspension of supply, these areas will be supported by the tanks’ own reserves and by the intervention of tankers guaranteed by the COC, thus ensuring support for the population.
City areas that do not fall into zones A and B, in the event of problems requiring assistance through supply with tankers, will be able to continue to contact the Municipal Operations Center.
The COC will be active to ensure rapid and coordinated assistance to the population groups most affected by the water shortage. For reports or requests for assistance: 090-2286.