It arrived in Budget Committee in the House the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti. Upon entering the courtroom she greeted with a smile and said jokingly: “I interrupted someone’s vacation”. His participation in the work was requested by the opposition after the vote on the ESM. Commission president Giuseppe Mangialavori explained that the minister will make an introduction and then there will be the opportunity for one member of each group to ask questions.
“I am open to answering any type of question” including on the ESM and European affairs. The minister must rightly give an account to Parliament which is the sovereign body.” Thus the head of the Ministry of Economy who further added: “With reference to the examination of the budget law, the examination of the Senate has produced a series of changes which have overall produced a improvement of all public finance balances“. Giorgetti cited the changes that occurred in the examination of Palazzo Madama and among other things the measures on the social security of doctors, employees of local authorities, teachers and bailiffs but also the measures to combat housing hardship or those relating to infrastructure. “The framework and structure of our proposal have been kept intact – he observed – and the government evaluates it positively”.
On the Strait Bridge
As regards the bridge over the Strait of Messina, «it was in the original plan» of the maneuver «the spreading has been modified. I don’t find it at all scandalous that the development and cohesion fund of the regions directly affected makes a contribution.” This was stated by the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, in the Budget Committee of the Chamber.