The center is the tip of the balance, the civic-political area which could, if nothing else, be decisive in the next local elections. And it is precisely on the center that much remains to be clarified. Who will be the candidate for mayor? What is the set of forces ready to run alongside him? Well, to get the clearest picture – it is whispered – we will have to wait for the presentation of the lists for the next provincial elections.
But the problems are already very clear and evident. First of all, it is necessary to understand, if one leans towards a political solution, who among them Vito Pitaro (Future City) e Stefano Luciano (Action) intends to throw himself into the fray himself, as a candidate for mayor. And above all it is necessary to understand how the Calenda party intends to behave which, at a regional level, supports the governor Roberto Occhiuto. In this case, the question arises spontaneously: Stefano Luciano e Francesco De Nisi will they maintain a univocal position, will they side against the outgoing Administration? And above all, will the former president of the Province accept to ally himself with other figures on the political scene who, historically, are not to be considered entirely similar to him?
These and other questions crowd the minds of those who are working to create a coalition that manages to obtain enough votes to reach a hypothetical run-off.