The myth is the great protagonist: timeless events in the timeless gesture that is embodied and renewed on stage. This is the meaning of the Mythos Troina Festival, the theatrical review on classical and contemporary myth organized by the municipal administration of Troina, whose fourth edition it will take place from 5 July to 10 August, with the contribution of the Tourism, Sport and Entertainment department of the Sicily Region and the patronage of the National Institute of Ancient Drama of Syracuse. Over a month of events on the rich program signed by the actor Luigi Tabita, making his debut as artistic director: «I am happy and excited to present this, my first edition of the MTF. The programmatic choices made all have a strong character of civil commitment, the backbone of my artistic and human path. The Myth, the leitmotif of the exhibition, with its power to transcend time and space, becomes a singer of contemporary complexity for this edition, narrating war, the violence of love, emigration, otherness, bodies in transformation and struggling. All events in the setting of a magical and timeless place like Troina, a Hellenistic city and the first Norman capital of Sicily.” Alfio Giachino, mayor of Troina, adds: «The Mythos Festival is the most important theater festival in central Sicily. This year, thanks to the direction of Luigi Tabita, we are expanding the events and involving artists of national caliber. With Mythos we create culture, create events and promote our Troina.”
We start on Friday 5 July with «Le Troiane (at war for a ghost)», produced by Anonima Romanzi and Teatro Elicaltro, from The Trojan Women, Hecuba and Helen by Euripides, adapted by Sartre and rewritten by Seneca, under the refined direction of Carlo Cerciello, starring an intense Imma Villa in the role of Hecuba. On Friday 12 July the extraordinary Giuliana De Sio will be the protagonist of «Fedra-libera di amore», an engaging rewrite freely taken from Racine's Fedra, edited by Debora Pioli, created by Elena Marazzita for AidaStudioProduzioni. Friday 19 July the young people of the Inda Academy, directed by the maestro Mauro Avogadro, will present a study on the figure of Electra, protagonist of great literary and theatrical works, from ancient times to today. Finally, the Latin comedy «Anfitrione» by Plautus, produced by the Molière Company with the great entertainer Emilio Solfrizzi who also directed, will be staged on Saturday 27 July. The four shows will be performed in the Radura Amphitheater – Villaggio Cristo Redentore, and will all start at 8pm.
But the protagonist of this edition is also training: from 16 to 26 July two theater workshops will be aimed at national and international professionals who will stay for two weeks in Troina. The first, «Who's afraid of the classics», will be directed by Liv Ferracchiati, an award-winning Italian author and director, among the most appreciated on the contemporary scene. The second, «Of forms mutated into new bodies», will be directed by the eclectic director and performer Roberto Latini, much applauded in recent days at the Greek theater of Syracuse in «Aiace», with the role of Athena and the messenger.
Another novelty this year will be the OltreMythos section with two special events: on Friday 2 August at 9pm the Loggiato di Sant'Agostino will host, in the national premiere, one of the most famous and beloved storytellers of our times, Stefano Massini, with «Massini recounts the gods”. His exciting and witty narration will lead us into the world of gods and myths to also tell about us and our moods. The Festival will end on Saturday 10 August at 9pm in the enchanting scenery of Monte Muganà, with the actress Pia Lanciotti, magnificent interpreter of Donna Wanda Di Salvo in the successful television series «Mare Fuori», who will be the protagonist, also in its national premiere, of «Metamorphosis» directed by the appreciated Sicilian director Cinzia Maccagnano: a mysterious journey in the encyclopedic sea of Metamorphoses, from Ovid to Rilke, from Elliot to Pavese.