«You are right, Monsignor Francesco Savino, vice-president of the CEI: we cannot be divided against the 'Ndrangheta. It would be a serious mistake if politics and the various social actors moved in isolation, seeking visibility rather than involving, as he requested Paolo Borsellino, all consciences, especially young people.” The senator stated this in a note Nicola Irtosecretary of the Democratic Party of Calabria.
«In line with the vision of Pope Francis, Monsignor Savino and the entire Calabrian Church – continues the dem parliamentarian – have long encouraged us to overcome divergences and limits on the issues of freedom and equality, to look together at the priorities of the South The fight against the 'Ndrangheta is an absolute priority for Calabria, which requires political, cultural and social investments, in addition to the meritorious repressive action of the State.”
«We must testify and teach the new generations – underlines Irto – that the 'ndrangheta creates enormous inequalities and very serious social injustices, that organized crime pollutes the economy and determines the progressive worsening of the quality of public services, starting with healthcare. We must also reject and fight the 'Ndrangheta culture, another big problem, which takes the form of the systematic circumvention of the rules, the use of personal relationships for private purposes, and abuse at every level, starting from the places of childhood.”
According to Irto, «we need to create cultural and social alliances to support and spread an anti-mafia pedagogy which, in the wake of the teachings of Don Lorenzo Milani, transmits, especially to the youngest, the unsurpassed value of democracy and public commitment aimed at guaranteeing equality of conditions for the poorest and weakest. As the Calabrian Democratic Party, we continue to work – concludes Irto – precisely in this direction”.