A strong personality that has always stood out Ermelinda Procopioa woman of substance who leaves a strong mark on the cultural fabric of Naples. His passing leaves deep pain in the Pizzo community and many wanted to pay her a final farewell, especially on social media. Starting with his nephew, Nicola Caria: “I like to remember you like this: a strong, emancipated, charismatic, combative woman, full of the joy of living – he writes -. You loved Pizzo infinitely and you dedicated yourself entirely to it.”
The nephew’s precise description fully reflects the personality of the professional, who many also appreciated in her role as a now retired literature teacher: “You dedicated yourself to writing, reading, singing, to your beloved piano. There were no conferences or public events at which you were not present. You enjoyed great respect and affection from all those who knew you, for the beautiful person you were. Always sunny and smiling, your presence, your great energy never went unnoticed.”
Even the echo of other voices joins the unanimous memory: “One of the very rare people of true culture – he notes Marisa Costa – who loved Pizzo with all his heart. His continuous battles to bring our country to the higher level that he would have so desired are unforgettable. With me, we have shared many battles, starting from “The Seagull”, where he never failed to make his voice heard, to highlight all the things he would have liked “different”, for the good of this country. Thus, in many other associations and partnerships, together. Always present, tireless, tireless.” An elegant, classy woman who certainly did not go unnoticed; a “passionarian” with great enthusiasm.
“Woman of profound culture – he also highlights Santino Galeano -; he made elegance and refinement his way of being. Curious beyond all limits regarding art, history and customs, she always wanted to be present in those groups and associations where culture, faith and love for her country were exalted, never giving up being freely critical when certain circumstances required it.”
Because, as Galeano highlights “the fruit of a free spirit present only in intelligent people who are cultured in freedom of expression as a means to better grow a community, a people. A firm believer in her ideas, it was a pleasure to discuss the various topics that occasionally arose.” Because she “had a vision of her and our Pizzo – she recalls – too far ahead of the mentality of those who governed her. A fighter in every field, her soul calmed only in front of a piano where her lyrical voice excelled and whose keys were as if caressed by her harmonious and gentle hands. Pizzo truly loses one of its last classy women.”
For those who wish to grieve with their children Maria Antonietta and Enrico Caria as well as with all their families, the funeral will be held today at 3.30 pm at the Cathedral of San Giorgio.