The presence in the territory of the Department for digital transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is strengthened. Thanks to the agreements signed with the Puglia Region and the Sicilian Region’s Education Law Body, the first territorial offices of the Department in Bari and Palermo respectively. «With these agreements – explains a note – we will proceed to implement and structure, even more, the numerous interactions with local public bodies, as part of a renewed perspective of mutual cooperation, with the aim of targeting, by 2026, the challenging objectives of the PNRR”.
The availability of an operational headquarters of the Department within the Presidency offices of the Puglia Region and of the Sicily Region’s Education Law Body will allow – it is explained – to optimize synergies to maximize the effectiveness of the interventions, especially in the current phase for the implementation of digital transformation projects.(AGI)
«With the opening of the first territorial offices of the Department for digital transformation in Bari and Palermo, we are taking concrete steps to bring digital transformation closer to citizens and local realities,» stated the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for innovation technological Alessio Butti. «This is a tangible sign of our commitment to moving from words to deeds, consolidating the relationship with the territory and maximizing the effectiveness of digitalisation interventions. Thanks to the collaboration with the Puglia Region and the Sicilian Region’s Education Law Body, and soon with other regions, we are strengthening our presence in the area, demonstrating that the Government is close to the local communities and committed to achieving the challenging objectives of the PNRR. “
To accompany local PAs in the implementation of digital transformation projects, the Department established the Transformation office at the beginning of the PNRR, spread across the territory thanks to six territorial teams. Over 180 professionals who daily accompany Municipalities, Schools and Local Health Authorities/AOs in the process of adhering to the PNRR Notices and in their implementation. With the aim of further consolidating this relationship of territorial proximity, a path begins with Bari and Palermo which will gradually lead to the opening of a further 9 offices throughout the country in the first half of 2024. In fact, the offices in Milan (in the Metropolitan City of Milan), Turin (in the University of Turin), Bologna (in the Emilia-Romagna Region) and Naples (the University of Naples) will soon be opened. Frederick II). The offices of Cagliari, Catanzaro, Florence, Genoa and Potenza will then follow.