Psc in Catanzaro, administration sprint: the preliminary reaches the Council


By John

The final sprint has arrived on the preliminary document of the PSC, which the municipal administration intends to adopt by the end of the year and then start the next part of the complex process. The document, as per the summons of the president of the assembly Gianmichele Boscowill in fact arrive in the Chamber next Wednesday at 12 – together with the resolution for an act of direction regarding the dispute of the Abramo Customer Care workers – after the discussion that took place in the Urban Planning Commission.
The discussion within the permanent body of Palazzo De Nobili did not in truth reveal any particular critical issues. Some councilors reserved the right to intervene later in the Council but essentially the preliminary process went smoothly. The deputy mayor and owner of Urban Planning Giusy Iemma had repeatedly reported its intention to complete the adoption by the end of the year, with a timetable that actually saw it proceed in forced marches over the months. Already in the last meetings of the past months – those with politics and with citizens and professional associations – the desire to take advantage of any ideas and proposals had emerged, but also the commitment to arrive at a first official fixed point, the one that will happen in the next council meeting. The next step will be up to the mayor Nicola Fioritawhich will have to convene the planning conference within the next ten days which will have to collect the opinions of the local authorities within ninety days.