Countdown for Rai appointmentswhile in the company workers go on strike to demand contract renewal and protest against the lack of resources. The majority now seems determined to go to the vote for the new councilors in Parliament on Thursday 26th, even if there is no agreement with the opposition for the presidency and the achievement of the two-thirds quorum in the Supervisory Commission remains in strong doubt. A picture that casts some shadow on the future summit, which could remain in a state of uncertainty even beyond the steps expected in the next few days. There is a general agreement between the government parties on the names and changing even a single box risks undermining the balance that has been found. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is pushing for Giampaolo Rossi to be installed as CEOto guarantee the company fully operational guidance. The moral suasion on Forza Italia aimed at finding a name of guarantee for the presidency, also appreciated by the opposition, does not seem to have had any effect. So much so that Maurizio Gasparri confirms his desire to indicate for that role Simona Agnes. «We believe that it is capable of being a point of reference and guarantee for everyone – he states -. If others make different assessments of the president, they make the climate worse but we move forward with serenity and an inclusive spirit.” The road, barring last-minute surprises, therefore seems clear. The Mef should indicate Rossi and Agnes: the former as CEO, the latter for election as president of the board of directors, as per practice. Then, perhaps already next week, it would be up to the Supervisory Authority to express its approval. Here, however, the picture could become more complicated: the opposition still appears united on the line of non-participation in the vote which would prevent the majority from obtaining a quorum for at least two votes. That of Mariastella Gelmini, who moved from Action to Noi Moderati, but now in the mixed group, remains in the balance. In the Commission there is no rule that provides for an automatic replacement of a member who has moved from the minority to the opposite side, but the proportion of representation between the two sides that could be affected must be respected. In the absence of resignations, therefore, the opposition groups could ask the presidents of the House and Senate to intervene. It will be up to the Chambers to indicate the other four members.
The League should focus on Antonio Marano who appears ahead of Alessandro Casarin. Both, in the event of Agnes’ failure to be investitured, would exercise the functions of president as a senior advisor. The second, in reality, would be surpassed by Antonio Di Bellabut its indication by the Democratic Party appears unlikely at the moment. Elly Schlein would be inclined not to indicate any name, but among the Dem parliamentarians there are those who believe it is more useful to have their own representative on the council, which could be Roberto Natale. The latter is a line carried out by the 5 Star Movement, which should confirm Alessandro Di Majo, also on the basis of the consideration that the Media Freedom Act sanctions government interference, but does not consider it inappropriate for Parliament to have a role in appointments. Finally, Fratelli d’Italia should indicate Valeria Falcone, even if Federica Frangi maintains some chances. However, it will have to be a woman, to guarantee female presence on the board of directors.
Meanwhile, a day of protest in the company, due to the strike called by the unions following the workers’ failure to approve the possibility of renewing the employment contract. «A mobilization like this hasn’t been seen for years – says the secretary of Slc Cgil, Riccardo Saccone -. The average adhesion was 60% with peaks of 85%. Workers leave no room for doubt: they want a new contract, a solid industrial plan, certain economic resources, the rescue of Rai Way and independent governance.” Many repercussions on the schedule: in addition to the abridged news programs, Tg1 Mattina, Tg2 Italia Europa, Tg Regionali, Tg Leonardo, Unomattina, Agorà, Buongiorno Regione, Buongiorno Italia, La volta buon, Storie italiane, È semper midday, Elisir, I fatti tue, have been cancelled. Restart, Live Life, Your Business.