Yet another month of time. The Municipality of Crotone requested and obtained it from the control section of the regional Court of Auditors postponement until September 30th of the deadline for submitting the eleven “corrective measures” aimed at definitively releasing non-compulsory spending following the “irregularities” that had been found in the accounts for the years 2015-2018.
Last June 29, as will be remembered, the accounting magistrates removed the stop to the “discretionary spending” imposed on the Piazza della Resistenza organization in 2018 (and confirmed subsequently) – financed both with tax revenues and with the sanctions deriving from the violation of the highway code – in light of the “improvement recorded” in the last two budgets of 2021 and 2022. Provided, however, that the Municipality continued “on the path already undertaken” of restructuring the finances through the adoption, for the end August, of the “corrective measures” that were requested by the Court of Auditors itself.
But the complexity of the interventions to be implemented made it necessary for the Municipality to be granted a further four weeks to process and send the interventions already undertaken and those to be undertaken in the immediate future.