Renato Zero enchants Messina and tells the story of life through plays of lights and special PHOTO effects


By John

Plays of light, special effects and an enchanting designer scenography accompany the famous author’s notes which find their leitmotif in the magic of life and human relationships. Renato Zero, tonight at the Pala Rescifina in Messinawith the tour “Autoritratto – I concerts Evento” he reciprocates from his entrance on stage – with the beautiful opening of “Vivo” and “Il Jolly” – the love of the faithful “sorcini” and of the large audience who came in large numbers from Sicily and Calabria to sing with him from the first notes, confirming that empathetic communication that the artist, since his debut in the 70s, has established with the many fans who have found in him a model in which identify yourself. Even today after fifty years his being a true and sincere, transgressive and profound artist has remained unchanged. Many emotions starting from the greeting “Messina! Grandi !”, during the second piece, continuing with cult pieces such as “Il cielo”, “Triangolo”, “Amico”, “Voyeur”, followed by the songs from the latest album “Autoritratto”, including the singles “La wound” and “Vita”, written by Ragusa singer-songwriter Lorenzo Vizzini. Accompanying the artist, who wore an outfit with a vaguely Renaissance flavour, was an eight-voice choir and the band of seven musicians made up of Danilo Madonia (musical direction, keyboards and piano), Lorenzo Poli (bass), Lele Melotti (drums ), Bruno Giordana (keyboards and sax), Rosario Jermano (percussion) and Andrea Maddalone and Fabrizio Leo on guitars. The show, written and directed by Renato Zero himself, also features visuals created by Roman filmmakers Antonio Usbergo and Niccolò Celaia, better known as YouNuts!, some of the most popular video clip directors (Tommaso Paradiso, Coez, Gianna Nannini). It repeats tomorrow evening.