“On the Zes unique for the South one thing is the criticism aimed at improving the new instrument, another is the usual instrumental controversy raised by those who are perhaps frustrated because their government is not managing this which is the natural and efficient outcome of a measure launched in 2017 by a government who certainly wasn’t centre-right.”
He declares it Roy Biasi, Calabrian local authorities manager of the LeagueThat intervenes to ask for the “right attention towards the virtuous protagonism of Calabrian entrepreneurs” in view of the improvement of governance which will start from January.
«It is certain that the mission structure and the control room to be formed – continues the mayor of Taurianova – will only be able to increase the function of stimulating the development of the new SEZ, both due to the direct dependence on the Presidency of the council, and because for the first time in decades the South has a unique tool in its hands that requalifies the intervention of a State that does not centralize, but on the contrary standardizes the growth of the various regions which in some cases have different economic specialties”.
Finally, Biasi guarantees the League’s commitment to taking into account local vocations and their representations.
«It is truly paradoxical – adds the mayor – the concern behind the Democratic Party which tries to teach the League lessons on respect for territorial autonomy. We want to reassure them, starting from the commitment that Deputy Prime Minister Salvini is demonstrating, setting up a Zes Unica philosophy that involves the employers’ associations and us representatives of the territories. Entrepreneurs – he concludes – know that an infernal block to development can come from bureaucratic delays which, however, the Zes model has proven to be able to overcome and, furthermore, we mayors know how profitable the devolution of a limited and targeted part of the authority can be municipal to an entity capable of coordinating the homogeneous distribution of the beneficial effects that will benefit those who invest thanks to the tax credit. There is therefore no room for controversy but only for those improvements, which are also requested by entrepreneurs and which the Meloni government is evaluating, which ask to contribute to the choice of those economic sectors to support, given that the South in some cases excels for the formation of the national GDP, and I am thinking above all of Tourism, Agri-food and Logistics”.