The actress Emmanuelle Debever committed suicide, accused Depardieu of sexual violence


By John

The French actress Emmanuelle Debever60 years old, yes committed suicide by throwing herself into the Seine in Paris. It happened last December 7th, the day on which the program ‘Complement d’enquetè’ was broadcast on France 2 TV which revealed the actor’s dark side Gerard Depardieu, but the French newspapers report it today. The announcement of the disappearance was made by the Institut national de l’audiovisuel (Ina) on its X account.

Taking advantage of the intimacy inside a carriage, he slipped his large paw under my skirts, supposedly to feel better. I didn’t let him”, confided Debever, 19 years old on that infamous set while her attacker was 33. Her post was accompanied by an archive photo of the scene in which she, a young actress with a blank look, was with Depardieu in a carriage while from the door they were observing the scene of a decapitated head on the gallows. Adding further tragedy to the actress’s death, which occurred on December 7, and a flood of reactions from the world of cinema, are the circumstances of her death, with a coincidence defined by some as “chilling”. According to agreeing sources, Debever threw herself into the icy waters of the Seine on the very day a documentary on Depardieu entitled ‘Complèment d’enquetè’ was broadcast on TV, a program on the France 2 broadcaster which further revealed the dark side of the famous actor , now ever closer to sunset. What has shocked some actors and directors and French public opinion are new shocking videos in which Depardieu addresses obscene words to a little girl in North Korea.

In the wake of the program, actress Anouk Grinberg, also 60, testified that “everyone who worked with Depardieu in cinema knows that he attacks women, verbally or physically.” Grinberg, who shared several sets with him, declared that «being a sacred monster of French cinema authorized him to become a monster tout court», denouncing «a certain complacency of the film industry towards the actor, an indifference incomprehensible and deafening” about his behavior. Also emerging from the silence was the director Fabien Onteniente, who directed Depardieu on the set of his film ‘Discò, in 2007, during which he was allegedly guilty of sexual assault against the actress Hèlène Darras, who a few days ago I filed a formal complaint against the plaintiff. The first to file a complaint for two rapes in 2018 was the actress Charlotte Arnould. After being indicted for rape and sexual assault, in recent days Depardieu was reported a second time for sexual assault by the actress Hèlène Darras. Furthermore, 13 women accused him of sexual violence last April, in the columns of Mèdiapart. The news spread by social media was relaunched and explored today by various media, including Libèration journalist Camille Nevers.

Debever, 60, was not a well-known face among the French public but was remembered above all for the part of Louison alongside Depardieu in the famous film Danton, released in 1983. She subsequently had roles in the series Joelle Mozart, Pause Cafè, Mèdecins de Nuit and in the Investigations of Commissioner Maigret. The actress, appreciated for her talent, was also known for not mincing her words and she didn’t give discounts to anyone, not even the iconic Depardieu.
The French press re-proposes a post published on Facebook on 6 June 2019, in which the late actress came out of silence to talk about her direct experience alongside Depardieu on the set. «Monsieur Depardieu. Today acquitted of charges of rape and sexual assault. No comments”, she wrote four years ago on the social network, before returning to a painful experience she suffered during the filming of the film Danton by director Andrzej Wajda, in which she played Louison, the very young wife of the protagonist. «The sacred monster allowed himself many things during this filming.